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History of Digital Cameras

History of Digital Cameras - Digital camera technology is directly related to and evolved from the same technology as when it serves to record the images on television. In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR) taking pictures of the television cameras, and then converts the information into an electrical impulses (digital) and store the information into the magnetic tape.
History of Digital Cameras
History of Digital Cameras

Bing Crosby laboratories (the research team funded by an engineer named Vrosby and led by John Mullin) made an early version of the VTR. In 1956, VTR technology was perfected (the VR1000 made by Charles P. Ginsburg and the Ampex Corporation) and is commonly used by the television industry. Between television / video cameras and digital cameras use CCD (Charged Couple Device) to set the color and intensity of light. During that time, the era of digital cameras has started at a furious pace.

In 1981, Sony introduced their first commercial electronic camera called Mavica. The images recorded onto a mini disc and then put into a video reader that is connected to a television monitor or color. Although it can not be said Mavica digital camera, it is actually a modification of a video camera that takes photos spontaneously.

History of Digital Cameras
History of Digital Cameras


Since the mid-1970s, Kodak has several discoveries about solid-state/kejernihan for image sensors that convert light into digital images for use on a professional level and household consumers. In 1886, Kodak scientists to introduce the world's first megapixel sensor, where the sensor is capable of recording 1.4 million pixels that could produce a 5x7-inch digital photo-quality print is good at that. In 1987, Kodak released seven products for recording, storing, manipulating, electronic transmission, and print something like the image of an object.

History of Digital Cameras
History of Digital Cameras
In 1990, Kodak developed the photo CD system and proposed the first time in the world to establish digital color standards in the computer and computer peripherals. In 1991, Kodak released the first time for the professionals, a system in which photography Digital Camera System (DCS), which is aimed at photo journalist. The camera is a Nikon F-# which comes with 1.3 Megapixels sensor.The first digital cameras for the consumer-level market that worked with a home computer via USB (Unit Serial Bus) is a QuickTake 100 camera Aplle (February 17, 1994), the Kodak DC40 camera (28 March 1995), the Casio QV-11 (with LCD monitor, late 1995), and the Sony Cyber-Shot Digital Still Camera (1996). However, Kodak entered the era with the aggressive marketing campaign to promote the DC40 and to help introduce the idea of ​​digital photography to the public.

Kinko's and Microsoft is working with Kodak Digital to create a digital image using the software in a variety of workplace and photo kiosk, where customers are allowed to produce photo CDs, digital pictures, and documents can then be added to their computer. IBM is working with Kodak membaut internet-based network image exchange.

History of Digital Cameras
History of Digital Cameras

Hewlett-Packard (HP) is the first company in terms of making their product the color Inkjet Printer, thereby completing the coloring system for printing images from a digital camera. So began the change of a digital camera with a new shape. Digital cameras such as conventional cameras, available models Point-And-Shot and digital single lens reflex or Digital Single Lens Reflector (DSLR).

Update : 07/03/2015


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